The Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan [NRRP] was approved by the European Council on 22 June 2021 as part of the Next Generation EU, a European intervention plan to help Member States after the pandemic crisis.
The resources allocated in the Italian NRRP amounts to €191,5 billion, integrated by the Italian Government with € 30,6 billion through the Complementary Plan, for a total of € 222,10 billion.
The Plan foresees a package of investments and reforms to be implemented within five years.
It is articulated into 6 missions, that is, main thematic areas on which to intervene, identified in full coherence with the six pillars of the EU Next Generation Plan. Each mission is divided in turn into Components, areas of intervention that face specific challenges, which are actualised in investments and reforms.
The Missions in brief:
• M1 Digitalisation, innovation, competitiveness, culture and tourism [€ 40,29 billion]: it supports the digital transition of the Country and the modernisation of Public Administration, communication infrastructures and production system;
• M2 Green revolution and ecological transition [€ 59,46 billion]: in coherence with the European Green Deal, it has the aim of realising the green and ecologic transition of the Country, promoting circular economy, the development of renewable energy sources and more sustainable agriculture;
• M3 Infrastructure for sustainable mobility [€ 25,40 billion]: it aims to strengthen and extend the national high-speed railway and regional rail network, as well as strengthen transport services at ports and airports;
• M4 Education and research [€ 30,88 billion]: it aims at ensuring the necessary skills and competences, filling the gaps of the Italian training offer. This Mission also includes a significant strengthening of basic and applied research system and new tools for technology transfer, to increase the growth potential;
• M5 Inclusion and cohesion [€ 19,85 billion]: it focuses on the social dimension and it ranges from active labour market policies to support for female entrepreneurship;
• M6 Health [€ 15,63 billion]: the Mission intends enhancing the territorial network and modernising the technological equipment of the National Health Service, as well as promoting scientific research in the biomedical and health fields.
Further information on the Italian National Recovery and Resilience Plan web site:
See also:
Focus on Mission 4 Education and research – Component 2 From research to business