Projects at Lab

  • Logo EuropaLogo 5FPLogo 6FPLOGO 7FP

    Nuclear Science and Radioactive Beams
    The EURISOL project is aimed at the design – and subsequent construction – of the “next-generation” European ISOL radioactive ion beam (RIB) facility. The EURISOL layout consists of a superconducting linear accelerator providing protons of energy 1 GeV and an impressive power of 5 MW, but also capable of accelerating deuterons, 3He and ions up to mass 40. The beams will impinge simultaneously on two types of targets, either directly or after conversion of the protons into neutrons through a spallation target surrounded by kilograms of fissile material.
    Since 01/01/2000

  • Logo NuPhys

    Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Degree on Nuclear Physics (GA 2016-2070/001-001)
    Nuclear Physics is a broad matter of relevance from both the fundamental knowledge of Nature and the multiple applications to different fields of strategic economical relevance. These include energy resources, biomedical sciences, analysis and characterization of new materials, industrial automatization and control, among others. There is a clear need to support the development of nuclear competences at the European level. In fact, there is no international teaching programme in Europe at the Master level devoted specifically to Nuclear Physics. To meet these needs and challenges, the present project aims at developing a long-lasting international and practice-oriented joint study programme, the “European Master in Nuclear Physics” [NucPhys], to educate Nuclear Physics experts.
    Project cost: € 1.891.000

  • Logo Europa

    Innovate for Sustainable Accelerating Systems (GA 101131435)
    The objective of iSAS is to innovate those technologies that have been identified as being a common core of SRF accelerating systems and that have the largest leverage for energy savings to minimize the intrinsic energy consumption in all phases of operation. This will contribute to the vital transition to sustain the tremendous 20th century applications of the accelerator technology in a green and energy conscious 21st century.
    Project cost: € 585.750,00

  • Logo Europa

    DONES Consolidation Phase 1 (GA 101145952)
    The project will work on critical financial, legal and organisational issues related to the international character of the IFMIF-DONES facility during its construction and operation phases. One of the main objectives of the project is to consolidate the scientific users community of both fusion and non-fusion experiments. The project shall consolidate the recently created community, developing cutting edge proposals in fields of nuclear physics, medicine or industry. Finally, the project will update all the DONES Programme documentation in order to ensure they are ready for the start of the construction, and also the installation and commissioning phases.
    Project cost: € 1.906.700,00

  • Logo Europa

    EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Science (GA 101057511)
    This project provides efficient access to the available resources to a large fraction of EUROpean Laboratories for Accelerator Based Sciences (EURO-LABS). It allows the diverse community of users to choose the best state-of-the-art RI or a network of RIs to conduct high impact research, fostering knowledge sharing across scientific fields. EURO-LABS brings together, for the first time, the three communities engaged in Nuclear Physics, Accelerator and Detector technology for High Energy Physics, pioneering a super community of sub-atomic researchers. It allows a synergic implementation of best practices for data management and activities relating to targeted service improvements at these RIs. Joint training activities are foreseen to develop the skills of the next generation researchers to optimally use the RIs services for scientific and technological discoveries.
    Project cost: € 14.499.976,00

  • Logo EuropaLogo H2020

    The European medical isotope programme: Production of high purity isotopes by mass separation (GA 101008571)
    PRISMAP proposes to federate a consortium of the key European intense neutron sources, isotope mass separation facilities and high-power accelerators and cyclotrons, with leading biomedical research institutes and hospitals active in the translation of the emerging radionuclides into medical diagnosis and treatment.
    The main goal is to provide a sustainable source of high purity grade new radionuclides for medicine, involving from the onset upcoming major European infrastructures, to provide a single-entry point for all researchers active in this field including SMEs, global pharma, nuclear centres, hospitals and universities, using standardised access procedures.
    The project thus strives to create a paradigm shift in the early phase research on radiopharmaceuticals, targeted drugs for cancer, theranostics and personalised medicine, shaping the European isotope landmark as a gold standard to accelerate the development of the pharma industry and ultimately of a better healthcare for the improvement of citizens’ life.
    Project cost: € 4.995.257,50

  • Logo EuropaLogo H2020

    Chemical Elements as Tracers of the Evolution of the Cosmos - Infrastructures for Nuclear Astrophysics (GA 101008324)
    Nuclear astrophysics studies the origin of the chemical elements: from the Big Bang, to stellar burning, and to neutron star mergers. ChETEC‐INFRA Project's aim is networking the three types of infrastructures that, together, provide the capabilities needed for this quest: astronuclear laboratories supply reaction data, supercomputer facilities perform stellar structure and
    nucleosynthesis computations, and telescopes and mass spectrometers collect elemental and isotopic abundance data. Access to nuclear astrophysics research infrastructures will be unified using a novel integrated web portal. The community will be provided with the tools needed to address key questions on solar fusion, neutron capture nucleosynthesis, and explosive stellar processes. In a combined approach designed to facilitate and boost accessibility, synergies and training, the large amount of transnational access provided will enable projects exploiting at least two different types of infrastructures. ChETEC-INFRA is networked with the nuclear astrophysics communities in the United States, China, and Japan.
    Project cost: € 4.999.605,35

  • Logo EuropaLogo H2020

    Advancement and Innovation for Detectors at Accelerators (GA 101004761)
    Discoveries in particle physics are technology-driven; more performant accelerators require innovative detectors to unfold their scientific potential, driving available or emerging technologies beyond their limits. AIDAinnova provides state-of-the-art upgrades to research infrastructures, such as test beams and irradiation facilities, and it covers all key technologies for future detectors, in order to increment the potential of detector technologies.
    The project advances the European detector development infrastructures through fostering an intensified co-innovation with industry - 10 industrial companies and 3 RTOs [Research and Technology Organisations], together with academic institutions into the consortium, which comprises 46 partners from 15 countries.
    Project cost: € 10.000.000

  • Logo EuropaLogo H2020

    Innovation Fostering in Accelerator Science and Technology (GA n. 101004730)
    Particle accelerators are a key asset of the European Research Area. Notwithstanding their high level of maturity, they are now facing critical challenges related to the size and performance of the facilities envisaged for the next step of particle physics research, to the increasing demands to accelerators for applied science, and to the specific needs of societal applications.
    In this crucial moment for accelerator evolution, I.FAST aims at enhancing innovation in and from accelerator-based Research Infrastructures (RI) by developing innovative breakthrough technologies common to multiple accelerator platforms, and by defining strategic roadmaps for future developments. I.FAST will focus the technological R&D on long-term sustainability of accelerator-based research, with the goal of developing more performant and affordable technologies, and of reducing power consumption and impact of accelerator facilities, thus paving the way to a sustainable next-generation of accelerators.
    Project costs: € 10.608.500

  • Logo EuropaLogo H2020

    European Advanced Superconductivity Innovation and Training (GA 764879)
    The two greatest obstacles to a wide spread adoption of superconductivity remain the limited understanding of its fundamental principles and the yet insufficient capability for large-scale, cost-effective deployment of the technology. This project integrates sound research projects aimed at establishing new technologies as the state of the art, assessing their innovation capacities and equipping a new generation of researchers with the unique skills required to convert knowledge into products.
    Project cost: € 3.841.922,16

  • 20222EF8HL
    Novel Vertex Reconstruction and Pulse-Shape Analysis for Investigating Rare Exotic Nuclei [D.D. 104/2022]
    In this project, artificial intelligence approaches are proposed to be implemented for light-charged particle identification, in order to achieve superior discrimination in a wide range of energies. This project is perfectly suited for the upcoming exotic beams delivered by the SPES facility at INFN Legnaro National Laboratories, from 2024. Among the first most intense radioactive beams, 132Sn will have a prominent role both for nuclear physics and astrophysics purposes, and will be employed in direct reactions studies with GRIT, the latest generation of silicon arrays.
    Project cost: € 197.536

  • P2022TTCAZ APHRODITE-155_Accelerator-based Production of tHeranostic radionuclides: Investigations on TErbium-155 [D.D. 1409/2022]
    The production of the theranostic radionuclide (RN) 155Tb, currently not available on the international market, has gained the attention of the researchers working in the field of radiopharmaceuticals (RPs). APHRODITE-155 aims to assess the best 155Tb production route by using cyclotrons, comparing low and intermediate routes, considering the Thick Target Yield (TTY), isotopic purity (IP) and radionuclidic purity (RNP) of the final 155Tb. To test the feasibility of 155Tb-labelled RPs, dosimetric analysis will be also carried out, paving the way for further in vitro and in vivo tests. The fundamental expertise of the INFN, UNIFE and UNIMI units, in collaboration with the IRCCS Sacro Cuore Don Calabria Hospital, are the ground of this project.
    Project cost: € 275.702

  • P20229J3XN
    Isotopes for assessing the impacts of climate change and ocean acidification in marine calcifying organisms (ClimOcean) [D.D. 1409/2022]
    The ClimOcean project focuses on the study of marine species affected by acidification of waters, using radiotracers and nuclear instrumentation techniques to monitor the Ca uptake. Specifically, the research group carries out a study of the influence of seawater acidification on the growth and uptake of Calcium in various species of bivalve mollusks, echinoderms and corals. Radio-tracers and detection technique will be developed in a collaboration between the INFN-Legnaro National Laboratories (LNL) and the IFIC-CSIC Valencia (Spain). 
    Project cost: € 224.765

  • 2022JCS2CN
    CoolGal: a liquid metal-cooled Beryllium target for a proton-induced Neutron Production [D.D. 104/2022]  
    The aim of CoolGAL is the study, design, and test of an innovative target system for proton induced neutron production. It is an important part of the NEPIR (NEutron and Proton IRradiation) facility designed for the SPES (Selective Production of Exotic Species) project, the ISOL (Isotope mass Separation On-Line) facility under construction at LNL. 
    28/09/2023 – 27/09/2025 
    Project cost: € 223.680 

  • 2022TX3ASB
    ISOLPHARM_CORE [D.D. 104/2022]
    The aim of the ISOLPHARM_CORE (Cyclotron-based production of Radionuclides for medicine) project is to produce (radio)chemically pure and innovative radionuclides for cancer therapy, both to guarantee the supply of traditional radiopharmaceuticals in nuclear medicine units and move forward in the research of innovative radioisotopes for improved diagnosis and therapy. With the ISOLPHARM method, along with radionuclides already approved for their administration in patients, innovative radiometals which cannot be produced with traditional techniques could be obtained.
    28/09/2023 – 27/09/2025
    Project cost: € 265.522

  • 20225WJ7LM PURPLE Project to Unfold nuclear Rates producing Primordial Light Elements [D.D. 104/2022]
    The main goal of the PURPLE proposal is the accurate cross section measurement of the d(d,n)3He and d(d,p)3H reactions in the Big Bang Nucleosynthesis energy region, because of their paramount importance in the BBN reaction chain. The goal is to demonstrate the capability to handle systematics in preparing a very accurate measure at BBN energies. The PURPLE approach is based on a solid experimental footing, even though the work will be supported with the GEANT4 simulation developed in the LUNA experiment, leader over about 30 years in Nuclear Astrophysics.
    Project cost: € 162.200

  • 20222SZP83 Optical polarimetry for fundamental Physics [D.D. 104/2022]
    The research project aims at developing an experimental method for measuring minute birefringences based on a polarimeter with heterodyne detection. The project is motivated by the intent to design a polarimeter capable of performing the first measurement of the vacuum magnetic birefringence (VMB) [MBV], a minute quantum effect never observed directly. The method will allow also the determination of the birefringence of unaccessible optical elements like the large cryogenic mirrors of the next generation gravitational waves interferometers (Einstein Telescope).
    Project cost: € 299.571

  • 20227F5W4N Cold paramagnetic polar molecules: from particle physics to quantum technology [D.D. 104/2022]
    This project brings together, in a new synergic effort, the CNR-INO unit, UniPd and the INFN, with the goal of producing cold polar paramagnetic molecules for frontier physics experiments. On one side, the versatile setup of the UniPd-INFN units can be used to produce a cold beam of LiCr ideal for spectroscopy studies, on the other the CNR-INO unit can implement the high-precision spectroscopy technique needed for eEDM experiments and investigate the possibility to apply laser cooling techniques on the BaF beam.
    Project cost: € 287.077

  • 2020H5L338 Thin films and radioactivity mitigation to enhance superconducting quantum processors and low temperature particle detectors [D.D. 1628/2020]
    This project proposes an innovative approach for the development of superconducting quantum processors and cryogenic particle detectors for rare event searches. Despite these two topics have different fields of application, their implementation is based on some common technological solutions, such as the use of cryogenics, the need for low radioactivity and the adoption of superconductor devices for signal readout.
    Project cost: € 895.000


    2017P8KMFT Cryogenic Targets for Direct Reactions with Exotic Beams [D.D. 0001061/2019]

    The research project aims at constructing cryogenic targets for the study of nuclear reactions with the exotic beams produced by the upcoming SPES facility at LNL. The beams of exotic isotopes produced by SPES will be employed to induce reactions with transfers of neutrons and/or protons between the beam and the target nuclei.
    Project cost: € 772.613

  • TTA_24LNL_016 Off-site consulting on the design and definition of the experimental apparatus for the samples test and on-site consulting on the development of the test bench for the implementation of samples acceptance tests.
    Project cost: € 61.000

  • TTA_23LNL_082 Brazing cycles on copper tubes OFHC and cavities at high temperatures using CUSIL alloy.
    Project cost: € 10.614

  • TTA_22LNL_049 Preliminary study of massive materials and innovative thin film coatings, aimed at reducing the environmental impact of hot rolling.
    Project cost: € 105.000

  • TTA_22LNL_088  Proton lrradiation of Multiple-layer Coatings for Satellite Materials Qualification.
    Project cost: € 37.210


    TTB_17LNL_033 Study of multi-layer coatings on metal components in vacuum and ultra-high vacuum for possible improvements of mechanical properties.
    The objective of the collaborative research is testing the feasibility of increasing the surface hardness of aluminum alloys, coating their surface with layers obtained by physical vapor-phase techniques for future metal-metal sealing applications in experimental high and ultra-high-vacuum apparatus.
    Project cost: € 56.000