PRIN – Research Projects
of National Relevance

PRIN is a competitive funding devoted mainly to Universities granted by the MIUR. Its specificity grounds in the co-financing  of “free”, not-oriented research activity by the MUR.

The most important evaluation criteria are the scientific quality of the proposals in terms of originality and innovation and the scientific experiences of the research teams.

Key priorities of PRIN are:
• sustaining and promoting university research;
• attaining a more effective and efficient public investment on R&D;
• strengthening the academic network of excellence by supporting research functions within universities.

Calls are issued almost every year with a Decree by the MUR.
The overall budget applicable depending on the available resources is determined each year by the Financial Act.
Projects are co-financed up to 70% of eligible costs:
• labour costs (including overheads);
• equipment;
• training (including study trips).

This funding is specifically addressed to University projects and covers all scientific domains.
Projects can be presented by different research units of one or more Universities, coordinated by a unique “principal investigator” (PI).