Nuclear Safety Research Radiation protection programme [1980-1984]
Dosimetry and Hazards of Neutrons at Energies between 15 and 50 MeV BIO-297-I(S) (01/01/1981-31/12/1984) Project cost: Lit 369.000.000
Nuclear Safety Research Radiation protection programme [1985-1989]
Stochastic variables in the energy deposit and their meaning in the hazard of neutrons BI6-0193-I(S) (01/04/1986-31/12/1989) Project cost: Lit 605.310.000
Nuclear Safety Research Radiation protection programme [1990-1994]
Specification of Radiation Quality at the Nanometer Level BI7-0040-C(A) (01/05/1990-30/04/1992) Project cost: ECU 276.100
Specification of Radiation Quality at the Nanometre Level 2 FI3P-CT92-0041 (01/09/1992-30/06/1995) Project cost: ECU 375.266
Nuclear Safety Research Programme on Nuclear Fission Safety [1994-1998]
NANDET Radiation Quality Active Monitoring based on Nanometric Measurements FI4P-CT96-044 (01/01/1997-30/06/1999) Project cost: ECU 510.000
4th Framework Programme [1994-1998] Projects
TMR Training and Mobility of Researchers Access to Large Scale Facilities FMGE980110 (01/04/1998-30/04/2001) Project cost: € 565.000 Link:
FOLTESCU Shape transition from superdeformed to spherical states in neutron deficienta 90 nuclei RGI-IF-FMBI961020 (01/01/1997-31/12/1998) Link:
5th Framework Programme [1998-2002] Projects
EURISOL Eurisol- a preliminary design study of the next-generation european isol radioactive nuclear beam facility Feasibility Study RTD HPRI-1999-CT-50001 (01/01/2000-30/09/2002) Project cost: € 1.539.000 Link:
N_TOF-ADS ADS Nuclear Data FIKW-CT-2000-00107 (01/11/2000-31/12/2004) Project cost: € 6.454.105 Link:
CHARGE BREEDING Charge breeding -charge breeding of intense radioactive beams HPRI-CT-1999-50003 (01/01/2000-31/12/2003) Project cost: € 1.856.285 Link:
FINUPHY Frontiers In NUclear PHYsics HPRI-CT-1999-40004 (01/10/2000-31/03/2005) Project cost: € 750.000 Link:
RADNA Induction, repair and biological consequences of DNA damages caused by radiations of various qualities FIGH-CT-1999-00012 (01/02/2000-31/07/2003) Project cost: € 1.276.209 Link:
TARI Transnational Access to Research Infrastructure Improving the Human Research Potential and Socio-Economic Knowledge Base HPRI-1999-CT-0083 (01/11/2000-31/10/2003) Project cost: € 450.000 Link:
DIAMINE Detection and Imaging of Antipersonnel landMINE by Neutron Backscattering IST-2000-25237 (01/01/2001-31/12/2003) Project cost: € 2.798.770 Link:
TONEV Nuclear structure investigation of mirror nuclei via lifetime measurements HPMF-CT-2002-02018 (01/09/2002-31/08/2004) Project cost: € 123.812 Link:
IC-INTAS – International Association for the promotion of cooperation with scientists from the independent states of the former Soviet Union (INTAS) [1993]
INTAS 2005-103-7525 Experimental study of crystal channelling at CERN SPS for use at the LHC in diffractive physics and halo cleaning (01/06/2006-30/11/2008) Project cost: € 139.800 Link:
6th Framework Programme [2002-2006] Projects
EURISOL DS EURopean Isotope Separation On-Line Radioactive Ion Beam Facility. Design Study RIDS 515768 (01/02/2005-31/01/2009) Project cost: € 16.448.900 Link:
GRIDCC Grid Enabled Instrumentation with Distributed Control and Computation IST 511382 (01/09/2004-31/08/2007) Project cost: € 5.289.000 Link:
CARE Coordinated Accelerator Research in Europe RII3-CT-2003-506395 (01/01/2004-31/12/2008) Project cost: € 35.141.200 Link:
ILIAS Integrated Large Infrastructure for Astroparticle Science RII3-CT-2003-506222 (01/04/2004-31/03/2009) Project cost: € 9.981.739 Link:
CELLION Studies on cellular response to targeted single ions using nanotechnology MRTN-CT-2003-503923 (01/02/2004-31/01/2008) Project cost: € 2.745.559 Link:
EURONS European nuclear structure integrated infrastructure initiative RII3-CT-2004-506065 (01/01/2005-31/12/2008) Project cost: € 16.426.142 Link:
7th Framework Programme [2007-2013] Projects
RARENOISE Low-probability, large fluctuations of the noise in detectors of gravitational waves ERC-SG GA 202680 (01/07/2008-30/06/2013) Project cost: € 1.156.768 Link:
SPIRAL2 PP Preparatory Phase of the SPIRAL2 Project INFRA GA 212692 (01/11/2007-31/03/2012) Project cost: € 8.767.158 Link:
EURONU A High Intensity Nutrino Oscillation Facility in Europe INFRA-CP-CSA GA 212372 (01/09/2008-31/08/2012) Project cost: € 13.547.587 Link:
EuCard European Coordination for Accelerator Research and Development INFRA-CP-CSA GA 227579 (01/04/2009-31/07/2013) Project cost: € 32.304.699 Link:
NEDENSAA NuPNET-ERANET for Nuclear Physics Infrastructures GA 202914 Neutron Detector Developments for Nuclear Structure, Astrophysics and Applications is a project selected by the European network of funding agencies in Nuclear Physics (NuPNET) (01/11/2011 -31/10/2014) Project cost: € 575.800 Link:
ARDENT Advanced Radiation Dosimetry European Network Training initiative GA FP7-ITN 289198 (01/02/2012-31/01/2016) Project cost: € 3.922.553 Link:
EMILIE NuPNET-ERANET for Nuclear Physics Infrastructures GA 202914 Enhanced Multi-Ionization of short-Lived Isotopes at EURISOL (01/01/2012-31/12/2016) Project cost: € 551.460 Link:
TIARA Test Infrastructure and Accelerator Research Area GA 261905 (01/01/2011-31/12/2014) Project cost: € 9.590.968 Link:
ENSAR European Nuclear Science and Applications Research GA 262010 (01/09/2010-31/12/2014) Project cost (including Transnational Access Facilities cost): € 339.442.241 Link:
EUCARD2 Enhanced European Coordination for Accelerator Research & Development G.A.312453 (01/05/2013-30/04/2017) Project cost: € 23.400.922,32 Link:
8th Framework Programme – Horizon 2020 [2014-2020] Projects
AMICI Accelerator and Magnet Infrastructure for Cooperation and Innovation GA 731086 (01/01/2017-30/06/2019) Project cost: € 2.279.750 Link:
ENSAR2 European Nuclear Science and Applications Research 2 GA 654002 (01/03/2016-31/08/2021) Link: Consortium project link:
ARIES Accelerator Research and Innovation for European Science and Society GA 730871 (01/05/2017-30/04/2022) Project cost: € 10.176.755,75 Link:
DONES-PreP Support for the preparatory phase for the DEMO Orientated Early Neutron Source IFMIF/DONES GA 870186 (01/10/2019-31/12/2021) Project cost: € 3.988.290 Link:
Other Programmes at Lab
FIRB DOBON Detectors for exotic nuclei D.M. 85/ric/2010 (01/12/2010-30/11/2014) Project cost: € 590.000
BIOQUART Biologically weighted quantities in radiotherapy EMRP SIB06-REG1 (01/06/2012-31/05/2015) Project cost: € 229.314 Link:
PRIN10GRAMEGNA Developments of new detectors and analysis techniques for experiments with radioactive beams D.D. 719/2012 (01/02/2013-31/01/2016) Project cost: € 220.467
PRIN10MARON Increasing the efficiency of data analysis activities at italian sites, for LHC Experiments [STOA-LHC] D.D. 719/2012 (01/02/2013-31/01/2016) Project cost: € 172.200
ADDITIVE MANUFACURING Additive manufacturing technologies of metals, applied to the footwear and biomedical sector in the Veneto region 5687-1-11-2018 (01/10/2018-30/09/2019) Project cost: € 86.812,50 Link:
SEAMLESS_FE Industrialisation of the production of seamless resonant accelerating cavities 2105-0019-1463-2019 (01/08/2020-31/10/2021) Project cost: € 152.400 Link: Link ROP Veneto ESF:
INTEFF_MOPEA Call PoC MISE – Programma di valorizzazione INnovazione Tecnologica della Fisica Fondamentale INTEFF Laser Powered Accelerator (03/02/2021-02/08/2022) Project cost: € 57.000
INTEFF_TOTEM Call PoC MISE – Programma di valorizzazione INnovazione Tecnologica della Fisica Fondamentale INTEFF magneTron sputtering cyclotrOn TargEt Manufacturing (03/02/2021-02/08/2022) Project cost: € 61.650
Technology Transfer and Agreements
ITHEMBA LABS Construction and experimental validation of the SPES/iThemba LABS front end project for performing the final design, the construction and the validation tests of a target Front End device Agreement of Prolongation. 06/03/2013-28/01/2021 Project cost: € 356.000 Link:
MECCANOTECNICA UMBRA Study of brazing ceramic-metal for the realization of rotary joints. 28/08/2014-30/06/2018 Project cost: € 102.480
FUSION FOR ENERGY Contract for supply of 9 RF-Couplers and associated services, including design and test activities. F4E-OPE-588 (01/10/2015-30/06/2016) Project cost: € 511.000 Link:
SUPERCOND The purpose of this Agreement is to establish a framework for scientific collaboration in superconducting RF cavities technology. Fabrication of seamless copper cavities and development of surface processing and coating techniques on seamless cavities. MOU KE-2722/BE/FCC (22/10/2015-31/12/2019) Project cost: € 470.000
ROLLENG S.R.L. Study of PVD deposition processes of anti-wear films in the production of lamination rolls and realization of prototype machine for industrial research on deposition of anti-wear films. TTA_16LNL_039 (01/09/2017-30/11/2018) Project cost: € 888.160
miniTEPC Realisation of a miniaturised detector Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter [mini-TEPC]. TTA_18LNL_072 (02/05/2019-01/11/2019) Project cost: € 39.650
ROLLENG S.R.L. Characterisation of planar samples and consulting activities on PVD commercial coatings, process recipes and PVD plant set-up. TTA_18LNL_079 (01/07/2019-30/06/2021) Project cost: € 61.000
miniTEPC-SCK CEN Design and development of a miniaturised detector Tissue Equivalent Proportional Counter [mini-TEPC] improved for applications in proton therapies. TTB_20LNL_114 (25/08/2020-24/08/2022) Project cost: € 40.000
SAPHYRION Sagl Irradiation of electronic components produced by the PIAVE-ALPI complex of INFN-LNL using the SIRAD irradiation facility. TTA_23LNL_055 (22/05/2023-30/06/2023) Project cost: € 1.525
Paradigma Technologies Telekomunikacijske Tehnologije d.o.o Irradiation of electronic components produced by the PIAVE-ALPI complex of INFN-LNL using the SIRAD irradiation facility. TTA_24LNL_036 (13/05/2024-30/06/2024) Project cost: € 4.958
DESY Irradiation of electronic components produced by TANDEM accelerator of INFN-LNL using the SIRAD irradiation facility. TTA_24LNL_037 (29/05/2024-30/06/2024) Project cost: € 11.058
SAPHYRION Sagl Irradiation of electronic components produced by the PIAVE-ALPI complex of INFN-LNL using the SIRAD irradiation facility. TTA_24LNL_035 (05/06/2024-30/06/2024) Project cost: € 5.833