Nuclear Physics and technology has multiple applications of strategic economical relevance at the EU and worldwide. These include energy resources, medical diagnosis and therapeutic practices, new material characterization, or environmental studies, among others. The Horizon 2020 and the Euratom R&T Programme, that complements it in the field of nuclear research and training, put a strong emphasis on the importance of developing nuclear skills and competences at the European level. However, there is no international teaching programme in Europe at the Master level devoted specifically to Nuclear Physics.

To meet these needs and challenges, the present project aims at developing a practice-oriented joint study programme to educate Nuclear Physics experts, the Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Degree Course in Nuclear Physics [NucPhys].

The two-year English-taught master course is based on the expertise of a consortium of 8 partner universities in Spain [University of Seville (coordinating institution), Autonomous University of Madrid, University of Barcelona, University Complutense of Madrid and University of Salamanca], in France [University of Caen Normandie] and in Italy [University of Padova and University of Catania], with the participation of 16 research institutions/companies as associated partners in Spain, France, Germany, Switzerland and Italy [INFN-LNL and INFN-LNS].

The main objective of the Master programme is to provide top-ranked students with an excellent background in Nuclear Physics [theory, experiments and applications], so as to educate experts in the field to meet the needs and challenges previously mentioned, and foster their future career in this field. At the same time, NucPhys students carry out their master studies in least 3 countries, in a stimulating and scientifically excellent international environment.

The Master is structured in five modules and divided into four semesters. A common introductory week and a common basis of fundamental knowledge will be given during the first semester.
A progressive specialization is then acquired through one of three different paths offered
[see Mobility paths below]:

PATH 1: Experiments and Instrumentation in large accelerators. Students following this path will start in Spain for S1 & S2, then go to France for S3 and finally will go to Italy [either Padova or Catania] for the Master Thesis in S4.
PATH 2: Theoretical nuclear physics. Students within this path will start in Italy [Padova] for S1 & S2, then to France for S3 and, finally to Spain for the Master Thesis in S4.
PATH 3: Applications and small accelerators. Students within this path will start in Italy [Catania] for S1 & S2, then to France for S3 and, finally to Spain for the Master Thesis in S4.


Mobility paths

All students will spend at least one semester in each participant country, and will benefit of a fully adapted curriculum according to their specialization path. Visits to nuclear physics facilities, distinguished visiting scholars, a 2-months internship, a common summer course [in collaboration with the TALENT USA-EU initiative], and the Master Thesis, complete the study programme.

Students who successfully complete the requirements of the programme will be awarded a Joint Master Degree by the Consortium universities where they accomplished the various parts of their Master studies. In addition they will receive a Diploma Supplement.

The Master’s Degree is aimed at all graduates in Physics, Chemistry, Engineering, etc. interested in acquiring quality postgraduate training in fields related to Nuclear Physics.

Candidates for the NucPhys EMJMD must hold:

• A university qualification corresponding to bachelor in Physics according to the Bologna framework. Majors in related areas as Chemistry, Engineering, Applied Mathematics or similar or any other kind of scientist or engineer with a background related to the objective of the NucPhys EMJMD can be considered as elective candidates but with lower preference.

• A certified proof of level of language [English] equivalent  to B2 according to the CEF [Common European Framework of Reference for Languages].

Further information about the master admission requirements are available at