The External Funds Service is in charge of the activities regarding the development and management of additional financial resources, with respect to those from the Ordinary Fund for Public Research Institutions, relevant for the Legnaro National Laboratories.
1. promotion and support to the preparation of projects financed by the European Commission, the MIUR and by public or private entities at regional, interregional, national and international level; support for the preparation of financial plans in the context of activities of technologies transfer;
2. preparation and/or support to the negotiation of contracts generating revenue, collaborative research agreements and consortium agreements;
3. management of the contracts generating revenue, collaborative research agreements and grant agreements, including the ex ante scrutiny of the congruity of administrative, financial and accounting acts to the contractual provisions;
4. financial statements and preparation of periodic and final management reports;
5. participation in the activities of the Research Services Directorate of INFN Central Administration.